I think most people by now have heard of the National Trust's '50 things to do before you're 11 3/4'. I had seen adverts for it, but hadn't really thought any more of it. Last week we went to an event in our town and there was a stall there full of leaflets for cycling routes, walking routes, local country parks and in amongst all those, I saw the booklet from the National Trust. It is a pocket sized scrapbook detailing the 50 things and giving you enough space to put a photo, a drawing, or a small piece of art related to the task. You can also get a sticker from participating National Trust places, to stick on the page of the task you are doing.

There is also a web address you can log on to where you can register and design your own Virtual Explorer to guide you through. From here you can find out which National Trust places are near you and which tasks you will be able to complete there. You can also tick off your adventures, upload pictures and explore the 50 things in more detail.
Some of the tasks are relatively straightforward such as climb a tree, play conkers, make a daisy chain and climb a huge hill. These can be done easily with younger children in tow. Some of them are a little harder, such as go on a nature walk at night and canoe down a river, and you may have to wait a few years before you can complete them.
We are aiming to do a lot of them this year and look forward to completing our scrapbooks. Check back later in the year for an update on how we are doing!